How do I Upgrade my QuickBooks Desktop to the Latest Version?

QuickBooks is an accounting software developed for US small-business owners and accounting professionals. It facilitates transaction records and operational reports. The developer and marketer of QuickBooks is Intuit Inc.

For the effective and efficient working of the software, you need to frequently upgrade it. It’s best to upgrade the QuickBooks Desktop software on a monthly basis. In the monthly update, there are only minor changes occurring in the software. In the yearly update, major changes in the application were added.

There are two methods for QuickBooks Upgrade 2020 to the latest version:

Automatically update the application.
Manually update the software.

You should have an active internet connection for the fast and proper download of the application or software.

Automatically Update the Application.

Proceed with opening the QuickBooks.
Move the cursor to the ‘Help’ menu.
Select the ‘Update QuickBooks’ tab.
Then, from the ‘Update QuickBooks’ window, select the ‘Update Now’ tab.
Tick a checkmark on the “Reset Update “box, for erasing all the early-downloaded updates,
Click on the ‘Get Updates’ icon.
Start the QuickBooks application again.

Automatic Download for Future

Proceed to the ‘Help’ menu and select the ‘Update QuickBooks’ option.
From the ‘Update QuickBooks’ screen, choose the ‘Option’ tab.
Select the ‘Radio button’ for the ‘Yes’ option to switch on the automatic updates.
At last, click the ‘Exit’ option.

Also Read: – QuickBooks Error H505

Manually update the Software.

Go to the ‘File’ menu.
Select the ‘Close Company/Logoff’ option.
Again, go to the ‘File’ menu, click the ‘Exit’ tab.
Right-click on the QuickBooks application, and then click the ‘Run as Administrator’ option.
From the ‘No Company Open’ windows, move to the ‘Help’ menu & then choose the ‘Update QuickBooks’ option.
Navigate to the ‘Update Now’ tab, and then check-mark the ‘Reset Update’ box.
Click on the ‘Get Updates’ option.
When the screen displays ‘Update Complete’ shut-down the QuickBooks application.
Open the QuickBooks application again.
You will see the install update message.
Click on the ‘Yes’ option.
Restart the system, once the installation is complete.


This article has covered almost every information and instruction regarding Upgrade QuickBooks to its latest version. QuickBooks offers QuickBooks Premier Plus for accessing the application and services. If you still get any issues or want any QuickBooks Professional help and guidance, feel free to contact this number: 1-877-349-3776.